Posted On : 12 May, 2014 | Post By : A&B Paving
When damages occur on the pavement or the road, repairing need to be implemented at the earliest. A bad pavement could give rise to a lot of hazards.
It is the responsibility of the local residents to report the problem if the damages appear to pose dangers. Any damages on the route which is utilized by the general masses can create a threat upon the safety of the people.
The factors that affect the strength of roads
Proper road maintenance is required to be followed in order to let the road sustain its original strength. A repair of minor problems like; filling up the potholes on the surface of the road or in the underlying pavement, can extend the life of a road.
With gradual time a number of factors will affect the roads, these factors are; Weight of the traffic upon the road, change in the weather patterns, differences in the water table, the quality of the gravel used during the road construction, the work standard of the Paving Contractors hired for the construction etc.
Road patching
Once the paving construction professionals are consulted, they will assess the repair work that needs to be conducted by determining if it requires pot-hole patching or heaving patching.
Pot hole patching is performed in case of depressions appearing on the road that is causing inconveniences to the traffic. The depression or holes are filled with a mixture of bitumen and stone to label the road.
Heavy patching is done when large sections of the road are badly damaged; this is a major repair-work process.
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