A & B Paving Co. Ltd. is a specialist in road construction and repair work. We understand that the safety of you and your loved ones is of prime importance. We ensure that the neighborhood is a safe place for everyone; especially, for your children and the elderly.
Need of top quality speed bumps
Speed bumps play a critical role in ensuring curtailing high speed of vehicles around the neighborhood and residential places. They act as speed breakers to avoid any mishap involving the vehicle driver or the pedestrians. Therefore, it is important to have speed bumps in the best of condition at all times.A & B Paving offers you the best value service for your money! We ensure that you have a pleasant experience hiring us for your residential or commercial speed bump construction or repair needs. Our highly skilled, experienced and well-equipped team brings its excellence and dedication to work for your benefit.
Choosing us is the best decision to have efficient and functional speed bumps as we are:
If you have a construction or maintenance requirement for speed bumps in your neighborhood, call us right away. We will be happy to assist you with your construction project. You may use our simple contact form to provide us your details and get a custom quote to match your requirements.
Paving Needs? Call
or contact us for a no obligation
free quote as well.
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“I extend my gratitude to the A & B Paving company for its commendable work on the pavements and driveway in our block. There are 5 other residents who wish to thank A & B company for their splendid work. Now my kids are safe on the driveway too due to the high pavements and well-maintained asphalt paving work.”
Thank you A & B Paving